Millions of posts have already been written about ChatGPT … so here is another one . 130 words about this tool :
GPT suggested dialog formula :
1. Act as (role)
2. You will (state the task)
3. I will provide (information that you bring)
4. Provide the Information
5. Your request – it can include things such as :
– Add things such “include“– to get more value
– Voice and style description (Professional, young, funny)
– You can ask the content to be displayed in columns
– Find Me (the cheapest hotel now)
– Translate he bellow text to Spanish
– Evaluate the Impact of a decision or action
– Identifying patterns (in someone behavior for example)
– Provide alternative to……
– Explain a concept or a formula
– Provide a list of benefits of…. (using GPT for example)
Ask a following question / request (anything else that I should know?)