Basic key factors for a successful online store business

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If you want to narrow your ” To Do List” for the coming year – would suggest to stick to the following points that can improve your e commerce business :

  1. Quality of the company’s digital presence DPQ — Digital Presence Quality— that is done by measuring umbers of Followers, App installs, Site Visits, Blog readers etc. all these numbers provide a comprehensive score of lovability and strength of the brand.

       2.– SPOQ Index — Social Proof Of Quality — total experiences, recommendations, customer reviews, etc. This figure consists of volume (quantity of recommendations) and sentiment (consumers approach)

  1. Clear product differentiation — Different Is better than better
  2. Efficient distribution, easy and natural relative to international markets.
  3. First Party Data— Control of data and the ability to use data for product strategy , price strategy and marketing strategy
  4. Ability to recruit and maintain an excellent team( location, vision, culture, compensation )
  5. Effective and innovative touchpointsbetween the brand and customers — in store, website, social networks and mobile.
  6. Fast brand— digital natives tend to appreciate speed sometimes more than quality……. Quick navigation within brand’s digital assets , Quick purchase ( Zero click for order , Quick delivery and Quick replacement if needed) .

If you will focus om improving these factors – you online store’s performance will look much better next year. goodluck