The four-layer model for online stores effective marketing

comtov Perfume

The marketing world has entered a new era in which there are quite a few restrictions on attracting information about users and potential customers (GDPR – Regulation Econtains binding provisions that apply to various entities that collect and process personal information on the Internet about EU citizens in all matters of privacy and information security. ) and at the same time the war for users’ attention level is extreme. This requires brands and publishers create a data-driven relationship and precise activity based on micro-segments and  personal reference.

An effective marketing plan for any brand or publisher should include four active layers:

First personal dialogue

The first touchpoint with a new potential customer is data-free. The user’s identity is based on things like IP. In a world without third-party cookies, it is not possible to create an identity graph as in the past, and then there are two options for creating continuity of contact and effective targeting:

  1. Creating “login events” – signing up for a newsletter, joining a benefits club, buying a subscription to free content, etc. Businesses with login activity-based data are in good shape for the next contact and targeting stages.
  2. Creation of context-based groups or use (probability move) – content consumption or purchase profile by the customer/user is a signal regarding his belonging to a particular group.

Continuous personal dialogue

Based on login data or belonging to a specific group, create a product and marketing strategy to each micro-segment. A set of decisions about the type of products and content that will be offered to each micro-segment and value propositions designed for each group or persona.

Dialogue with the passionate segment

Next, we advance to a wider audience, some of which has not been in contact with our brand but is characterized by a passion for the category. The passionate segment will try your new products, talk about your products, read your content and also distribute it to its friends. That’s what passionate people do. This is the most important audience that will provide you with the best ROI. What you need to do is locate them (usually on social media, clubs and segmental sites), provide them with a compelling value package and then try to turn them into your brand or content promoters.

Dialogue with relevant community members (interests, belonging, etc.)

The next step is to move to abroader and “farther” layer from your brand. People with interests who may be interested in your products and content. This is a less precise probabilistic move, but based on the assumption that certain interests may be a signal of perceptual proximity of customers to your field. For example, people who practice yoga and live a vegetarian lifestyle will be closer to the green products category .


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