A lookalike audience is a way your ads can reach new people who are likely to be interested in your business because they share similar characteristics to your existing customers
For years, traditional marketing has focused on terms such as reach, frequency, awareness, etc. The digital development of recent years has changed the targeting goals of brands and online stores. The current battle is for the level of attention of your target audience.
High attention media is the main and most important term that should guide you when you produce your marketing plans. Paradoxically, the more expensive media are also those characterized by a lower level of attention and attention. One way to create market moves for an audience that may show a high level of attention is to reach out to an audience that is similar to a profile that has already proven to be effective for you. An audience interested in your brand and/or similar products. Facebook and Google allow you to define your target audience and appeal to clusters of potential customers with similar characteristics (those who have bought similar products, or an audience characterized by similar media consumption and/or an audience interested in content similar to yours).
What is required of you is to define your source audience (the “reference audience”) and select that cluster of users based on information pulled from your pixel or your follower base or Facebook fans, etc. Facebook and Google will identify the common characteristics of the people in your audience (for example, based on demographics or interests) and show your creative/ad to an audience of people who are similar to them.
These platforms allow you to choose the size of your Lookalike Audience, but keep in mind – creating a larger audience will increase your potential reach, but reduce the level of similarity between the Lookalike Audience and the source audience (the reference audience). The ideal source audience for such moves – in most categories – should contain between 1,000 and 50,000 people.
Where will you take your source audience? People who have searched for similar products, your Facebook friend lists, the list of consumers who were your customers in the past, etc. Additional guidelines to consider: The Lookalike Audience can be from the relevant country you’ve chosen, the source audience can’t be smaller than 100 people and, of course, you can select multiple Lookalike Audiences at the same time.
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